
Preparing for the new semester ― To all new and current students at the Graduate school of Media and Governance

Preparing for the new semester ― To all new and current students at the Graduate school of Media and Governance | Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University April 9, 2020 First of all, I would like to congratulate all of you …


.。oO(さっき、スゴいことに気づいた。“ステイ・ホーム”って言われると憂鬱な気分になるけど、“ホーム・ステイ”って楽しそうだよね。) #stayonline — 加藤文俊 (@who_me) 2020年4月7日 [04] 2020年4月9日(木) 4.1 オンラインについて考える視点 4月7日、…